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ME Coral Wash Off Single Shot Dip makes 1 gal

$0.99 was $ 2.99
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ME Coral
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Wash Off is a powerful Coral Cleaner for newly acquired corals such as Sps, Lps, Chalice, Zoas, Montipora, Mushrooms and more. Wash Off is made from 100% pure therapeutic grade plant extract which will not stress corals like medicines, pesticides, or iodine based dips. Wash Off promotes coral health and should be used to rejuvenate damaged corals or newly fragged corals. MECoral Wash Off is highly concentrated having more than 4 times the strength of regular dips.

Comes in a one time use container that makes 1 gallon of dip. Treat your corals Kindly.

Directions:  Add ME SINGLE SHOT DIP  to a container with 1 gallon of used aquarium seawater.  Bathe corals for 5-10 minutes, gently stirring with a turkey baster, pump, or hand.  Rinse well in another container of aquarium seawater before placing coral in display tank.  Discard used solution.  Do not allow dip into main display tank.

Caution:  Not for human use or consumption.  Keep away from children and pets.  If swallowed do not induce vomiting.  Drink water and call the doctor.   If in eyes, flush with water and call doctor.
Oleum Abiets    1.5%
Oleum Limon    1.5%
Oleum Lavender    1.5%

Total Active Ingredients 4.50%

Other Proprietary Ingredients

Customer Reviews

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Dipping Corals with ME Coral Wash Off

Today we are taking a look at the ME Coral dip named Wash Off. I went to the LFS and picked up some Zoanthids for my 220 gallon reef aquarium. I share my method of dipping corals and talk about why it's important to dip corals.
